This morning’s readings, thankfully, do NOT reflect what
Steve has mentioned before about the lectionary. You remember….sometimes you
look at the readings and wonder what in the world they have in common ?? This
week’s readings are all about Kingship, and this is the feast of Christ the
As Americans, we don’t do kings very well…after the
Revolutionary War, many people asked George Washington to become king and he
wisely refused. We had just fought to free ourselves from a distant king, and
he understood the necessity of a new way. Our royalty now is either political
or celebrity, or both, and we love to talk about their feet of clay. This keeps
the media in business… no great kings to be found here.
The readings today talk about a new way of regarding kings,
starting with the prophet Jeremiah.
Jeremiah was a prophet for almost 40 years around 600 BCE. He lived in a time of continual upheaval,
spanning the fall of the Assyrians and the rise of Babylon.
The line of kings that the Jewish people had through the period were
either puppet rulers or hauled off to Babylon
in exile. Ineffective, powerless or corrupt; a new way of thinking about
kingship was Jeremiah’s message during this, the last years of his career as
prophet to Israel.
Jeremiah’s theme is to pronounce the shepherds of Godde’s
people as derelict in their responsibility. The flocks are scattered and no one
goes in search of the lost sheep. Godde will gather the wandering remnants of
the flocks and gather them under a leader who is reminiscent of the great King
“The days are surely
coming, says the LORD, when I will raise up for David a righteous Branch, and
he shall reign as king and deal wisely, and shall execute justice and
righteousness in the land. In his days Judah will be saved and Israel will
live in safety. And this is the name by which he will be called: "The LORD
is our righteousness."
And since Israel
and Judah
had been separate kingdoms for some time, this new king would unite the
kingdoms as had David.
The Canticle for this morning is also about the same
theme…this is the song of Zechariah proclaimed when his son, John the Baptist
is born and celebrates the process that brings forth the Messiah, and new kind
of leader for Israel.
The section from Colossians that follows also is a re-imaging
of kingship. There has been much debate for better than 100 years about whether
Colossians is a letter of Paul or written by his disciples, but for our
purposes, it is the hymn that is incorporated in the letter that draws our
attention. There is equally as much debate about where this hymn came from…was
it in use in the early church ? was it a proclamation of the Gnostics ? the
words describe a king who:
… is the image of the
invisible God, the firstborn of all creation; for in him all things in heaven
and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or
dominions or rulers or powers-- all things have been created through him and
for him. He himself is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
He is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from
the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything. For in him
all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him God was pleased
to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, by making
peace through the blood of his cross.”
This description of the king has nothing to do with wars and
conquering and power. It has echoes of the opening lines of the Gospel of John
and makes clear that this different king has been present from the beginning.
This is a very different view of royalty than what the people of Jesus’ time
saw…Caesars came and went, appointed kings came and went, but this king has
been with us forever.
Then Luke takes the opportunity to truly turn kingship on
its head, as Luke so often does. In the Kingdom of Godde,
the ruler hangs on a cross between thieves and suffers as have the many
thousands of people the Romans have put to death this way. He is with the most
common and lowly of the world in this death and yet he is the manifestation of
the Kingdom of Godde. Is this what kings look like ??
As we admire celebrity, gossip about the fallen royalty of
our culture, and marvel at how far some people can crash, we are reminded of
the lowly origins of the Prince of Peace. Jeremiah prophesied a new kind of
king…one who was a true shepherd of the flocks. The hymn in Colossians
celebrates a king who has been present from the very beginning of time. And
finally Luke reminds us yet again that the Kingdom of Godde
turns everything upside down…Godde’s incarnation in human form suffers,
forgives, and is yet among us.
Because we do not have kings in our day and age, we forget
how odd this king would have seemed to the people of Jesus time, or even for
centuries later. But when we contrast this royalty with the celebrities that we
admire or vilify, the contrast becomes apparent again. A good shepherd who
gathers the flocks, present from the beginning of time, and here among the
lowliest of us all. Still a radical idea !
In the name of Godde, Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier
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